
The increasing tendency is for people to work together in relationships different to the traditional employment contract. Independent contractors conclude contracts for services or work contracts. Entrepreneurs conclude collaborative contracts and franchise contracts, and cooperatives are created. Labour may be hired in via secondment, payrolling or temporary workers, with the necessary employment-law aspects. Whilst the tax authorities already give direction to some of these agreements with its use of model contracts, these contracts only focus on the tax aspects. Liability and termination clauses, for example, are of less importance to the tax authorities. We can advise you on the consequences of the Wet DBA (Dutch Deregulation of Assessment of Employment Relationships Act), the choice of certain model contracts and the conditions that you could agree in addition to these.
Reijnders Vreugdenhil Advocaten can also be of assistance in advising on the various forms of cooperation, such as:
Reijnders Vreugdenhil Advocaten can advise on the pros and cons of the various forms of cooperation and draw up the necessary contracts, whether or not in collaboration with a civil-law notary or a tax specialist.
Reijnders Vreugdenhil Advocaten can also offer support in case of termination of the collaboration.